His love for young people led him to a career as a teacher and marketing education coordinator for Jefferson Parish Schools. After his call to the ministry, he pursued Christian Education in preparation for servant hood. He was a student at Union Theological Seminary and has completed his Master's Degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling at Loyola University. He has attended many conferences and workshops to enhance his ministry; however, the Spirit and Truth Conference, 1998 at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church pastored by Bishop Eddie Long, had the most life-changing impact. It was here that God moved to equip him with a "fresh anointing".
On November 17, 1973, Pastor Edwards was married to Debra Houston at Pilgrim Baptist Church by the late Rev. Richard Wilson, Sr. and Rev. Daniel Powell. They are the devoted parents of Richmond, III, and Raina Margarete and Avery. With God as the head of their family, Pastor and First Lady Edwards work untiringly with the youth and have opened their hearts and home to the youth of New Birth, Pilgrim and Regular Baptist.
Pastor Edwards was invited to preach to the graduates of Pilgrim on the fifth Sunday in August 1998 along with remarks from Sis. Edwards. He was led by the Holy Spirit to serve under Rev. Wilson in October 1998. Walking in love and humility, he has served wherever needed. On September 8, 1999, the Lord saw fit to consign the future welfare of the Pilgrim Baptist Church to the very capable hands of Rev. Edwards and he was elected the eleventh pastor of Pilgrim. Upon assuming pastorship, on Friday, October 1, 1999, Rev. Edwards continued to do the Master's . Will. He broadens the ministries of the church to provide numerous opportunities for all members to actively pursue God's direction for their lives. On May 11, 2003, the Lord gave Rev. Edwards a vision to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and he founded New Birth Cathedral of Glory. He has continued to preach, marry, bury, minister and to the sick and shut-ins and to council those in need of a word of guidance, encouragement and comfort. "Love ye one another, will continue to be a cornerstone of his ministry. To live and walk in God's Divine Order and Destiny as revealed and installed in his heart, mind and soul; to develop, teach and minister to the children of God; to be used by God as an instrument to change lives for His kingdom are the objectives that God has placed in his spirit''.